Walk with a community of believers rooted in Apostolic faith
Are you searching for answers?
Meet Jesus
Vancouver West Church isn’t just a place to assemble on Sundays. It is a community of Apostolic believers who model themselves after the New Testament Church. Here, you will find a safe place to ask questions and receive Biblical Truths with love and care.
Life has its challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone. The answer is always Jesus.
No matter your background
Jesus is Calling Out to You
Come and make authentic connections with other believers, and learn to walk with Jesus as you grow in His grace.
Come to worship Jesus Christ
6:30 PM | Sundays
And allow God’s Word to transform your life. See you there!
Are you curious about God and the Bible? Then, a personal Bible study is perfect for you. You’ll be paired with a friendly member of our community who will guide you through the Bible and help you find its truths.
At a Life Group, you’ll explore Scripture in a relaxed, open, and interactive setting. The lesson is guided, and everyone is welcome to share questions and insights.
¿Habla español? Tenemos Grupos de Vida de habla hispana.
Changing Lanes is a support group that focuses on positive change through biblical-based approaches, accountability, and practical tools to navigate out of your hurts into living in freedom through Jesus Christ.